There are a significant number of ISM resources around the world. Here is a selection that we believe may be most helpful in a European context. Wherever you are, Europe or otherwise, you may need to contextualize what you learn from each.


Global Impact - a biannual conference all about International Student Ministry

The GoodBookHub also lists conferences, jobs and training opportunities


InterAction - serve International students on the continent as part of a team for at least 1 year
Friends International REACH Programme - UK Based cross-cultural discipleship and training programme.
ISM Network - meet with other ISM workers twice a year for fellowship and training.
9:38 Apprenticeship scheme - many churches in the UK offer this opportunity. Use this website to find one!

Host a training event in your city

There are a number of experienced ISM workers who would be willing to deliver a training event in your city at minimal cost. If you would be interested in discussing this possibility please complete the form here to make a request.


Friends International have a whole section of downloadable resources.
InterVarsity USA ISM site - full of helpful resources for ministry to international students.
Jackson Wu blogs about theology and ministry. Especially useful for contextualising for honour-shame cultures. ISM Near Me helps you connect with what is already happening in your country with international students.

International Student Ministry: Handbook

ISM workers from across Europe have been gathering their knowledge to produce a handbook for ISM work. We hope to be able to make this available to you soon!

Reading material

Insight is an academic journal produced by Friends International focussing on the challenges of ministry to international students in the UK. It is published twice a year.

For those who want to get stuck into some good books, we have put together a reading list. Have a look!